Other unedited/rough ideas, for what they may be worth
You need not tolerate any nonsense: like anyone touching you inappropriately or focusing on the physical before you're married. That...
...distracts us from being able to think clearly about the really important aspects of a person, where you need to get to know someone.
Get the Holy Ghost and keep it, keep your heart and mind focused on the Lord, the sacrament prayer, scripture study to keep the Holy Ghost & its direction.
Even though you've dated a lot of people, it's still OK and even good to date a lot of people at this stage of your life, which is...
...different from the last stage.
Consider getting a reference, or only with people you meet at Church, put safety first, don't believe promises, etc etc.
For women: One way to get dates: first have in-person conversations, learn if you even want to date them (safety &c). Then smile, laugh at their jokes, ...
...touch them on the arm (if safe), be yourself, and let them decide if they're going to respond to the cues (likely).
For men: see if she has a wedding ring (stop if so), make eye contact & see if she is friendly (stop if not), start a conversation, later request a phone #.
Practice and observation help understand people better: we are all in a learning process, be safe.
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