***HOW TO READ THIS SITE***: all text, including links (usually), *is* part of the content to read, and after that, you click for more details: outlined.
IN OTHER WORDS, read the whole page. It usually *is* the summary (content), and a menu. If you want more info on any part of it, click for details.
(Suggestions and comments are appreciated. See the page footer for how to send them.)
Each page is like a document (not always just a menu). If pages are paragraphs, you can see each sentence as a "topic sentence" for the linked page.
Let me know if it would be easier to read this site, or parts of it, if some pages were collapsed into single documents--to avoid click,click,back,back.
Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Luke A. Call | Home | Feedback (won't put you on a mailing list): contact@lukecall.net (Content generated selectively from a OneModel instance. | Last updated: 2024-01-03.)