Consensus, a page in wikipedia, and mentioned on the page for Parliamentary procedure (useful maybe for large groups, even outdoors, less formal, efficient?)
Seems more focused on larger consensus than the majority, refining proposals until more people can agree.
Involves as many stakeholders as possible, working toward gettin everyone on board as much as possible.
Can use many polls, or separating into affinity groups, with each appointing a member to the spokescouncil, and sitting behind that member.
Might use hand signals or colored cards for efficient voting.
Requires recording the dissent, for respecting it and comparing later, to learn from it.
Most forms require learning why dissent occurs, as it could be important in how it affects people.
Seems to handle brainstorming per the wikipedia page's section under "modified Borda count vote".
more info: see its wkp page, and could see also other pages that links to.
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