"A small quote from it (but read the whole thing: it is life-changing): "WE WARN that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God. Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets." "
2016-5-1 Regarding: "The measure requiring women to register for the military draft was part of a $610 billion annual Defense authorization bill that the House Armed Services Committee advanced on Thursday in a 60-2 vote after a session lasting more than 16 hours. " (Fox News citing the Wall Street Journal, http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/04/30/house-defense-policy-bill-would-require-women-to-register-for-draft.html There are various other outlets saying the same thing.) Short version: We *ALL* came from our mothers, with no exceptions. Do we wish that instead of giving life and nurturing it, our mother had been on a drill field? I think we can never repay our own mothers. Men cannot bear children. Women are *irreplaceable*. If we denigrate that role, if we consider it somehow less than anything else, if we create a legal framework to draft women to the military, it is an attempt at civilizational suicide and shows that our true values have gone to where destruction awaits.
"12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. "
"24 Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion! 25 Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well! 26 Yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men, and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost! "
" 9 And with righteousness shall the Lord God judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth. And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. 10 For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire. 11 And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. 12 And then shall the wolf dwell with the lamb; and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf, and the young lion, and the fatling, together; and a little child shall lead them. "
2016-5-1 Regarding: "The measure requiring women to register for the military draft was part of a $610 billion annual Defense authorization bill that the House Armed Services Committee advanced on Thursday in a 60-2 vote after a session lasting more than 16 hours. " (Fox News citing the Wall Street Journal, http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/04/30/house-defense-policy-bill-would-require-women-to-register-for-draft.html There are various other outlets saying the same thing.) I saw a bit in the news today that a bill passed a committee in the US House of Representatives, allowing women to be included in the draft. Then I see that this news appears to be coming from multiple sources. I am a grandfather. One purpose of men in life is to defend and care for our families. The idea that my daughters and granddaughters, nieces and future grand-nieces could be drafted into our military, to defend *me* is highly aggravating. The idea that such a thing could have been written into a bill is highly offensive. That such a thing could make it into consideration by a committee, in a Republican-controlled House of Representatives of the USA, is beyond offensive. And to think that such a thing could pass a committee, leaves me without words adequate to describe how I feel. While I have sent messages to congressional/senate elected servants before, never in my life have I participated in a protest, or felt such feelings toward my own government until now. I support constitutional rights to bear arms, but never have yet personally decided to buy a gun. In any kind of silly, probably meaningless standoff to protect daughters and granddaughters from my own government, I would be effectively powerless against the might of our law enforcement. I do not support nor sympathize with recent actions of others, where we have read that they participated in armed resistance to our lawful government. But something has to be done, to put an abrupt and complete end to our government even flirting with the idea of drafting our wives, daughters, and granddaughters into the military. They may join if they wish, but for them to be compelled against their will to fight in an army (or other branch) violates everything I hold dear. Men can be replaced more easily than women. Women are the beautiful, wonderful, elegant, and irreplaceable pinnacle of creation, and it is the duty of men to honor God and our wives and families by defending them and their rights to live in peace. It seems to me that a draft of females is akin to the kidnappings of African daughters in recent years, who were forced en-masse into lifestyle and circumstances against their wills. That is not the America that I grew up loving and admiring (even with her flaws), and for which I have always been grateful! To say it doesn't matter because no draft is imminent is the height of foolishness and could only be said by someone who has no sense of history, or of how surprising and bad things have happened repeatedly and forcefully so very many times. I have read of many foolish things in the news lately, but this is the worst I recall. While some elected representatives will vote against such a draft, that is not good enough. I read in one place that this passed a committee by a vote of 32 to 30, in another that it was 60 to 2. Either way, that is beyond unacceptable, and closely approaches the realm of horror. The kind of thinking that would allow anyone to vote in favor of such a thing can only be rooted in gross evil. But given other things happening in our country today, while I am surprised and shocked, I am coming to believe such things are possible now. Such things could only come in our nation if it has gone too far in rejecting God and virtue -- to the point, I fear, of being hostile to them. We simply cannot allow our wives, daughters, and granddaughters to become subject to this. It is our duty as men to protect them. Moroni, in the Book of Mormon, created a banner, and went around recruiting people to the cause, and on the banner was written: "In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children". He, with others, was successful, with great cost, at preserving freedom (with integrity) in his time. He wrote about those things because they were all being threatened! ( https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/alma/46?lang=eng#12 ). We need a plan. A plan that can survive the scrutiny of daylight and opposition. I could possibly accept a plan that somehow, reliably: 1) moves such decisions as to who is drafted to the state, not federal level, but only if it also, and at a *minimum* 2) prevents such a question from ever being seriously considered again at the federal level. (It passed a committee!!?) Then one could protect one's family at the state level, or by moving if necessary, or we could get rid of the idea completely and permanently. Somehow that doesn't seem likely. I fear that this bill will fail, only to return later. That is not OK. Take me, my brothers, my sons and grandsons, if really completely necessary, balanced, and in wisdom. But not the daughters or granddaughters. That violates all wisdom and understanding about the purposes of life and the nature of families and what is good vs. what is evil. It passed a committee! It never should have gone that far, and must not go any farther. The news said the full House is to vote on this in "mid-May" (soon). What about females in the draft can possibly be OK? They can enlist now, if they want. But we must not have a legal structure in place that lets someone, no matter who, take our daughters and granddaughters against their will. I wish for my daughters and granddaughters at least the same opportunities that my mother had, which are denied them in part, if they are sent to the battlefield: especially if they are battered by the experience or do not come home at all. We *ALL* came from our mothers, with no exceptions. Do we wish that instead of giving life and nurturing it, our mother had been on a drill field? I think we can never repay our own mothers. Men cannot bear children. Women are *irreplaceable*. If we denigrate that role, if we consider it somehow less than anything else, if we create a legal framework to draft women to the military, it is an attempt at civilizational suicide and shows that our true values have gone to where destruction awaits. We need a plan. Forward or quote this message if you like. But really, we need a plan. Or, please convince me it's all just a bad dream. Luke A. Call [PLEASE read more on this site, join the mailing list, but MOST IMPORTANTLY, contact your congress members and ask everyone in your social circles to do the same, and let them know this is utterly, despicably unacceptable.]
2016-05-03: I saw in CSMonitor a citation that 59% of Americans think that women should be drafted: and a higher % of women than men think so ( http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Military/2016/0428/Congressional-bill-to-draft-women-advances-Why-its-author-now-objects ). It is so sad that we have come to that point, but we mustn't give in. Even while feeling for years that the federal govt is too intrusive, I could live with it previously. (*)This is the first time I have wondered what I would do: Could I be a peaceful citizen, if they reached out to physically take my granddaughters or nieces etc, against their will (or anything which is the same in effect)? This is about a legal framework for just that. I am so disappointed that even now, with all the evil, that there aren't more Americans making noise about this. There were so few righteous in Sodom that IIRC even after Abraham's praying, Lot's family had to leave, and it says (clarified in the JST) that his children's safety was in question. But unless we get states' rights back per our actual constitution, I don't know where we can go, and the prophecies don't suggest that we will have to leave the USA. Good people elsewhere have problems in their countries too. I think of posterity, and that I am here, now, and I want to do something, or see something done.
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